4 Galleries of Social Media Celebrity Redhead Tattooed Suspension Artist and Model Maeganmachine with Mojokiss

The truth is I was desperate to find some great models to work with in my new studio. I was new in town in Charlotte, NC. I had been passing through in my van and I got some music jobs while staying in my van parked in a friend’s driveway. I saved up some money and rented a big studio and moved in there. I was ready to get some shoots in. I had a cheap Nikon camera.

I was lucky to have a few leads and one in particular exploded into my life, MaeganMachine (instagram link). We set up a date and her and her boyfriend came by. He left us to work for an hour or two as I set up our first scene, on an old industrial secretary desk in a brick wall corner of my studio with natural light. My shutter was 1/8 and i had forgotten to set my focus on her, so a lot of the warmups were shamefully wasted, which sucks because the best most comfortable natural shots are often the first ones. Here’s the shots that came out just after I set up my focus. These aren’t the sharpest, but enjoy the collection, unedited, random order.

I then set up a strobe and here’s the shots that came from that in the same location. It’s kind of a lot. No edits. You can see lighting gear in the shots as well.

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Now on to another set with some green curtains and a few props here and there.

and some really cool ones with industrial chairs.

Author: Mojo Kiss
Musician and Photographer with an affinity for the web: blogging, social networking, seo and web production. Residing in the great sunshine state of FL Obsessive researcher and do it yourselfer. A never ending ambition to learn and develop new skills.