Favorite Camera and Film Combo

I decided it was time to buy some more film which reminds me of a type of film and type of camera that I have used to take some of my favorite portraits. This is a 35mm rangefinder camera.

This Minolta Hi Matic 7 didnt work when I got it for $10 from a local antique store. I learned how to fix old non working cameras, and it just takes patience and a steady hand and tiny tools. I’ve since repaired many of my old cameras. I did the same with my violins, as I am a violinist that likes old violins.

Weird Beautiful Bodyscape editorial of alternative model

I have many cameras for different purposes, and the same goes for film. Many of my mentors would tell me to learn each type of film just as you would learn a type of camera. Above is an image from this camera and Kodak pro 100 film.

Above is a perfect example of this camera and film combo. I was almost at the minimum focal distance which give minimum DOF (depth of focus) so I could blur the textured background in my studio. Moving the model away from the background allows for this blur as well as for the fall off of the key light to be just right to darken the backdrop a small amount. Also, this removes the shadow from the model.


This shoot made it into Inked Girls Magazine (Manhattan) which they asked me to do for them. I used a $10 camera to shoot this.

Above is from the same shoot, for Inked Girls Magazine however this was shot with another one of my favorite film cameras, the Canon WP-1, which is a waterproof point and shoot with a built in flash. Kodak Pro 100 film.

Adorned with Horns

This one was shot with some expired faster film. I think it was 800 but the same camera.

Urban Portrait with professional model photographed by mojokiss

Above, shot with the Himatic 7 in natural light.

This set shot with a large soft box in my studio on Kodak pro 100 35mm film.

Draven and Rog

Above shot with Hi Matic 7 and Kodak Pro 100. I shot a lot of portraits with this camera and film combo to my satisfaction.

Canon wp-1 waterproof point and shoot camera with Kodak pro 100 35mm film
Hi-Matic 7 with kodak pro 100 film

Above uses the same film but with natural light and a different camera.

Immediately above was shot on Kodak pro 100 but with a Nikon body.

Sheer Nude studio portraiture stylist and make up artist and professional photographer in tampa st pete FL

Above was with the Hi Matic 7 with Pro 100 film and a large hanging soft box. I kept the box on a pulley system to raise and lower to the exact distance for the light on the background and subject.

Author: Mojo Kiss
Musician and Photographer with an affinity for the web: blogging, social networking, seo and web production. Residing in the great sunshine state of FL Obsessive researcher and do it yourselfer. A never ending ambition to learn and develop new skills.