Somehow, me and these girls ended up in my van in a friend’s driveway in Charlotte, NC while I was traveling around broke with nothing but a camera and a guitar. I knew Kat already from a previous shoot in some other state years before this and we hit it off. She’s different. I still don’t quite understand her and that’s what I like most about her. She keeps it original, but she’s also a genius on top of being different. Sera was a traveling art model and I think had just gone through a rough break up. We all wanted to get loose and have fun and just be crazy.
The van was thrown together with cheap materials from thrift stores and such, as long as it’s red it worked. I was so ready to go on the road and get out of the storage unit I was living in that was full of boxes of flip flops because it was a flip flop warehouse. It was fun tho and weird, so anyone that came over got put into a totally freestyle state of mind which lent itself to creativity and collaboration. But now I was out of there and on the road getting fresh air and sleeping in my van and seeing friends. I had to get jobs playing music, which I was amazed I was able to do. Wow. Be on the road going wherever I wanted to go, meeting intelligent artistic girls and making art. That’s what I still want.